Saturday, September 21, 2013

Indian Societal & cultural Transformation

"Change is the only constant." Change comes to anything or everything in the world including societies. Almost all the societies of the world kept on evolving. But when, It came to the Indian Society. It became very difficult for Indian societal structure to define new boundaries and transform from Agrarian feudalistic society to modern progressive structure. Indian Society has always been reluctant to adopt the changes at the beginning, but gradually embrace them when asked by its young members. Perhaps, Indian society is the only society in the world to have got the Predefined societal structure which has made the society such that it wants to abide by those same norms, customs and traditions, prevailing for ages. That's true also as depicted in Mahabharata & Ramayana where there is a king & his state. This then continued over a period of time whilst Indus Civilization, vedic Era, mahajanapada times, ancient India, medieval India and modern India. Besides, Varna System (Caste System), Men dominance & Patriarchal pattern of family were few of the many other prominent features of Indian Society. 

Indian Society remained so until 1990 A.D.. Perceivable changes in Indian society started reflecting only after 1990's, that too because process of change was initiated in the early 19th century by some of the Indian spiritual leaders like Raja Ram Mohan Rai, Ram Krishna Paramhans, Dayanand Saraswati, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar and Swami Vivekananda. Most of them agreed to adopting best from other cultures & societies and leaving the malign systems of our own society. Some even went on record saying that our own Vedas & Puranas are fallible. They believed that every individual must interpret their religious texts themselves and follow what they think is logical & scientific.

But these changes created havoc among people. Western culture started influencing Indian society due to the British Legacy India had. But as mentioned above, Indian society was not ready to accept those changes at one go. There were lot of protests from society. British went back, India got freedom. But they left western influenced Indian society behind. Post Freedom, people in India attributed high class society to modern society of Europe. People in India, especially youth got attracted to it.

                                         With the advent of Internet revolution and start of LPG era in India in 1990's, Process of change became all the more faster. This is then, the actual transformation of Indian society started. Baby-boomers & Generation 'X' is not able to tune in with Gen Y & Gen Z. This 30 years lag from 1990 until 2020 is the most difficult time period of Indian societal & cultural transformation as there is a big trans generational gap. The values or culture, Baby-boomers or Gen X has inherited from their forefathers is not what they are able to pass on to their children. This is where the conflict lies.

There are social conflicts like love marriages, live-in relationships, orientation towards nuclear families, less god fearing people, ending superstition, independent lifestyle, ageing population fear security, youth demanding much more liberty & freedom,  western style life style and above all this, Cinema & TV culture. There are many other social issues also which further broadens the generation gap. This transition has become very painful for girls. At times, they become a victim of honor killings, abused and advised to dress sensibly. Girls feel it a bloat on their democratic right.

Putting all this in a nut shell, India changes, so does the Society & Culture. World has become a smaller place. Therefore, Cross-culture changes are inevitable. Also, its not values, traditions and systems which are changing. Its just an improvement over what people have been following for ages without thinking. But yes, Indian society has to be alert while accepting changes that people must not confuse so called "Modernity" with western society, because modernity is of thought process, better civic sense for a sustainable world and ideas, people conceive.

Well, whatever transition is taking place, That has become an experience with both positives & negatives for people living this transformation.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Narendra Modi vs. Priyanka Gandhi

 It's not Modi, but his "Modism" which has become a religion with numerous followers, coloring the nation saffron, drumming the victory of developmental society, banging the administrative machinery and asking Indian to come forward, leaving communal issues behind and put in collective efforts to take their own country in top slot. Its not that Congress is worse or BJP is better. But, It is his charisma which is above all this downgraded psychology. People don't want to vote a party. They have no love left for any politician or Political party. They are also exhausted of Hung Parliament for over 20 years. But now, they shout an individual with clear mandate to lead them from front.
On the other hand, Priyanka has always been a hidden face of Congress think tank. Most of party strategies are devised by her. She has inherited leadership skills directly from her Grand Mother 'Indira Gandhi'. Its not Rahul or Sonia Gandhi who poses threat to BJP or Modi, but Priyanka who keeps BJP top shots busy. A very few in the country knows that whatever happened with congress ally DMK, Kanimojhi and Raja was a masterpiece of Priyanka's planning skills. There is an adage in Hindi which goes ""Saanp bhi Mar gaya aur lathi bhi nahin tooti"" Or in other terms, DMK
had to suffer whatever Priyanka wanted to, and they could also not break ties with Congress due to their situation back home in Tamilnadu. People in India still admire Indira's Prime minister-ship when she led the nation very bravely. They still see Indira in Priyanka Gandhi. But unfortunately, Congress has put Priyanka at back burner. This was the time when party needed her the most. Nevertheless, they have positioned Rahul Gandhi against Modi which eventually made people think that no big constructive changes from Congress end even after the fruitless reign of 10 years. 

Fight between Narendra Bhai Modi and Priyanka Robert Gandhi would have created a chaos in the country. Voters would have had to think twice before enjoying their sufferage that whom to be brought to power.

Well, whoever comes, India immediately needs great heeling. Many loop holes are to be plugged in over a very short span of time. There are areas of alarming threat. Take a look at them.

1. Current Deficit (Deteriorating Rupee further rising the CD) 
2. Manufacturing Sector to be focused upon (already skipped by India as per 
    Growth Pole Theory)
3. India's stringent labour laws to be relaxed
4. FDI norms
5. Taxation Policy (especially Income Tax - Kelkar Task force recommendations   
    to be adopted in letter & spirit)
6. International border issues with India's neighbors
7. Reservation in Job & Education Policy
8. Demographic Dividend - 50 % young population require training & skills
9. Naxalism & Terrorism
10. National Ombudsman to be appointed keeping the balance of Lokpal & Jan

Therefore, Its the need of the hour that these all are looked into, right after the 2014 elections. And to do this, We need a Prime Minister with full of professionalism, experience and positive attitude. 

"India will become World Leader by 2020." - Nostra Damus (French Apothecary)