Monday, March 20, 2017

India needs its own Elon Musk.

Elon envisions building United states of America 2.0 where man drives electric car and fuels it anywhere at Tesla charging stations networked all over USA. He is facing Detroit honchos head on. Elon was in similar situation when he surprised the world by launching private company manufactured reusable space craft to International space station. SpaceX and for that matter Tesla are not just business institutions nurtured by Elon but hopes for humanities in times to come. He is one who dreams of something that his contemporary entrepreneur rarely dares. Human habitation on Mars is dream of my life, says Musk. Many believe that every minute of Elon' life is very precious to whole humanity. Elon is a technology absolutist and believes that man is fully capable of finding solution to every problem ranging from Global warming, Food Security to fast depleting oil resources. Musk writes that cranial capacity given to man is for building better future. In all, Elon leads his generation the very same way Ford or Rockefeller led theirs. Musk is the man who is known for constant disruption in silicon valley.

If likes of Elon rules the western hemisphere. Eastern looks to have their great expectation from Indian, Chinese and Japanese entrepreneurs and technocrats. For the purpose of this blog, Indian scenario will be dealt with.

Narendra Damodardas Modi is the name to reckon with. He is not a scientist nor a technocrat like Elon. But, He is also an institution builder and definitely a mass leader of global fame. His evolution from being an ordinary party cadre to the Mr. Prime minister of India with such great fan following speaks volume of his charisma and aura. Narendra Modi is leading innovation in his own ways. He is undoubtedly one of the few contemporary leaders who has disrupted the political arena of India and even the world by using digital technology in such an unprecedented way, 3D hologram, Social Media platform, Twitter Sewa or creating JAM trinity leveraging digital world are few examples to cite. Modi resembles Musk in the sense that He is not one of those stereotypical status-quoist politician who come to power just to enjoy it. He definitely has a vision like Elon to make not only India but whole world a better place to live in. His commitment at COP 21 is a testament to the fact. His interest in technology and visit to Tesla center in USA even before the meeting USA President Obama clarifies his priorities. 

Similarly, China got its man in Deng Xioping back in late 1970s who also envisioned making china a global superpower. He led the way and chinese supported him in this endeavor. Four decades later, china became a force to reckon with. China also established a flourishing ecosystem for science and technology which resulted in achieving many milestones. Own space station in near future, advancements in robotics, constant innovation in making of smartphones are few of those achievements. 

India and China may not have an exact counterpart of Elon Musk in their country in near future as space for disruptive technologies and out of the box innovation in these countries are not so well promoted by the system. Technologists here are busy in copying invention rather than doing one. This can be best summarized in a question that Prime minister of India asked his nation "Why do we not have one Google or Microsoft in our own country". It is this ecosystem visionary leaders are supposed to encourage. In current times, India has an edge over most of its rival countries in creating such system in very short time period. Demographic dividend, English speaking population, creative Indian minds, gigantic software industry and such other advantages of India fit the bill for it to be the most innovative in the world. Modi needs to provide leadership just like Elon. India now has its own Elon Musk, though not a technologist but definitely a visionary who can do miracles if he can channelise the energy of 1.3 billion people of the India in right direction. This development of India will result into trickle down effect and development of humanity.

To be continued............

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