Friday, January 12, 2018

Science is organised knowledge. Wisdom is Organised Life.

Knowledge is a vast precious treasure hidden in nature. It is for science or orderly systematic way of study to unlock that treasure. Science thus helps in creating an organised body of 'Principles of Nature' which is called knowledge. Knowledge in this respect is a broader concept than mere collection of information. Even science is basic theme of nature and man's life, and not just perceived subjects like physics and chemistry.

Similarly, Life is part and parcel of nature. It is wisdom or enlightenment that helps man to set the broad contours of life or in other words understand meaning of life. Wisdom here differs from intellect that can ease the way man lives but can not replace wisdom which is basic idea behind civilized societies. Intellect can be part of wisdom. For an instance, wise man may lead more purposeful and abundant life. Lord Buddha and Mahavira both reached the transcendental stage of human intellect that is wisdom or enlightenment.

Since the Dawn of Civilisation

Science, knowledge, wisdom and life are all inter wined concepts.Their interrelationship can be understood with the help of historical examples. Early man discovered 'wheel' and 'fire' - a knowledge hidden in nature. He even developed stone tools, wooden plough and iron machines. Discoveries and tool making reflected man's scientific nature.

Alongside, Man kept on looking for basic principles to organize life, to have better societies. In fact, man started delving into more important philosophical questions like existence of life itself, purpose of it. To solve these riddles, many philosophers like Plato, Confuscious, Aristotle, Kautilya, Buddha wisely advised and even preached some fundamentals of life. Though, Man continued to look for answers to these questions.

Above examples do not mean that only few can reach the stage of wisdom. All man can reach the stage of wisdom. It is very much up to him to evolve his intellectual capabilities into wisdom hood.

Science - Organised knowledge

Science in a broader construct means orderly, systematic, coherent study. It is value neutral, in other words, free from superstitions, illogical religious beliefs. It is rational study.

Any discipline like history, economics, philosophy, sociology apart from natural sciences can be studied scientifically.

Moreover Science is more than just discipline. It is integral to human life. A man who has not received any formal education can still have a scientific and rational attitude. It is only this that his ideas and thinking should reflect scientific characteristics. Bhakti saints of India like Kabir, Gurunanak, Ramanuja all had this attitude.

Science is an organised knowledge expresses the idea science organizes knowledge. Immanual Kant, a dutch epistemologist, organised the entire body of knowledge into different disciplines. He could do that as he looked for suitability of different scientific principles to different disciplines.

Wisdom - Organised life 

Man can use intellect to innovate, invent and bring in easiness in life. Gadgetry and materialistic culture today reflect the same. Cars, AC's, Mobile phones all made man' life easy. But, wisdom takes man to the next level where he is more concerned with the organised way of living. In the words of Aristotle "Wisdom is Virtue" that helps man live an orderly and purposeful life. Herein lies the significance of well being, happiness, concept of existentialism that man with all his wisdom look for.

Wisdom teaches man to understand to very idea behind life. In buddhist philosophy - Parinirvana and Moksha in hindu philosophy are the ultimate goals of wisdom hood. In fact both philosophies have taught the way of life to reach that stage. "Live and let live" truly reflects the notion of wisdom hood.

Comparison - Science and Knowledge vs. Wisdom and Life

There is an inherent convergence between both ideas. Science and Wisdom are both very fundamental than technology and intellect respectively. In fact both science and wisdom are means to reach the ultimate ends which are knowledge and life. Similarly, Knowledge and life are more broader constructs than they are perceived. A true knowledge is empowering and and inquisitive than just collection of information. This difference can be understood like what exists between brain and mind and also 'Trained man' and an 'educated mind'. Meaning of life can vary to different people but basic theme of life is one that is contend., purposeful, utilitarian existence than mere existence.


In modern times, meaning of fundamentals have become obscured. Man is more concerned with superficial, ostentatious and conspicuous lifestyles. However, there are always few who keep the spirit of  'Science' and wisdom alive. Their goal remain attaining knowledge in all its aspects and leading more purposeful life. However, man continue to strive towards organised knowledge and an organised life. It is for him to reach fundamentals hidden in the nature which is science and wisdom.

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