Thursday, July 20, 2017

Life, Man and Nature

Beauty nestles in the lap of the nature. Life is a beautiful gift man is bestowed with. Man is the only animal that has cranial capacity to think, comprehend and analyse information around him. Many questions about life remain unanswered. We do not know as to why do we exist in first place. If at all, this question is answered. We do not know how come Life is so randomly found only on planet earth in an otherwise structured and planned universe. There are no clues about life elsewhere in universe, this is despite man's relentless space exploration since mid 1950's.

Its highly possible that what we perceive as life may not exist at all. This is a metaphysical inquiry which remain unresolved till date. Different school of thoughts have their own ideas and interpretation. Life at a very superficial level is perceived as any movement of an animate object  as a sign of lifeforms. But, herein lies the most important question what do you perceive as movement may be a movement relative to each other and therefore no movement at all. Let's not delve deep into this speculative field. 

Coming back to the same question what is so rare and unique about life and what makes it a beautiful gift. Even if it is all hypothetical and not real. It is still the best hypothesis man can assume. Nature has filled life with many colors. Colors of music, dance, drama, struggle, failures and achievements are too few to be named. What man should be more concerned with enjoying this beautiful gift called life rather than pondering over mysteries. Nevertheless, Man must also inquire about the existence of life as to what is it or how come man has not yet been able to find out life anywhere else in the universe, but these metaphysical or speculative inquisitiveness should never dominate the very life.

This blurred understanding of universe and life leave man to speculate on many things. For an instance, Man in countries like India is more concerned with next world than this world.  Moksha or Nirvana is one of the central tenets of Buddhism. Similar is the case with other religions or faiths world over.  Therefore, Man following faiths forget to serve the very purpose of his or her own life. Swami Vivekananda has intellectually reflected on this, Service to mankind is service to God. Life teaches us all to help each other and enjoy the greatness of human's magnanimous nature.

Serving or even helping the other man is a beautiful feeling that one can get. Its a natural way of living, a kind of cooperative living. Gandhiji believed in this ideal. Life is thus about giving. Its not just about speculating or following religious tenets in a restrictive way.  One needs to enjoy all its colors. One needs to come out in open and shout loud " Hey I am here to live and enjoy you. One may still take too longer to understand if there is any other lifeforms elsewhere or in nutshell, if there is a world outside planet earth. 

So, lets enjoy the life and nature both. They have lot to give us.

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