Thursday, July 20, 2017

Life, Man and Nature

Beauty nestles in the lap of the nature. Life is a beautiful gift man is bestowed with. Man is the only animal that has cranial capacity to think, comprehend and analyse information around him. Many questions about life remain unanswered. We do not know as to why do we exist in first place. If at all, this question is answered. We do not know how come Life is so randomly found only on planet earth in an otherwise structured and planned universe. There are no clues about life elsewhere in universe, this is despite man's relentless space exploration since mid 1950's.

Its highly possible that what we perceive as life may not exist at all. This is a metaphysical inquiry which remain unresolved till date. Different school of thoughts have their own ideas and interpretation. Life at a very superficial level is perceived as any movement of an animate object  as a sign of lifeforms. But, herein lies the most important question what do you perceive as movement may be a movement relative to each other and therefore no movement at all. Let's not delve deep into this speculative field. 

Coming back to the same question what is so rare and unique about life and what makes it a beautiful gift. Even if it is all hypothetical and not real. It is still the best hypothesis man can assume. Nature has filled life with many colors. Colors of music, dance, drama, struggle, failures and achievements are too few to be named. What man should be more concerned with enjoying this beautiful gift called life rather than pondering over mysteries. Nevertheless, Man must also inquire about the existence of life as to what is it or how come man has not yet been able to find out life anywhere else in the universe, but these metaphysical or speculative inquisitiveness should never dominate the very life.

This blurred understanding of universe and life leave man to speculate on many things. For an instance, Man in countries like India is more concerned with next world than this world.  Moksha or Nirvana is one of the central tenets of Buddhism. Similar is the case with other religions or faiths world over.  Therefore, Man following faiths forget to serve the very purpose of his or her own life. Swami Vivekananda has intellectually reflected on this, Service to mankind is service to God. Life teaches us all to help each other and enjoy the greatness of human's magnanimous nature.

Serving or even helping the other man is a beautiful feeling that one can get. Its a natural way of living, a kind of cooperative living. Gandhiji believed in this ideal. Life is thus about giving. Its not just about speculating or following religious tenets in a restrictive way.  One needs to enjoy all its colors. One needs to come out in open and shout loud " Hey I am here to live and enjoy you. One may still take too longer to understand if there is any other lifeforms elsewhere or in nutshell, if there is a world outside planet earth. 

So, lets enjoy the life and nature both. They have lot to give us.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Organisation of 21st Century

A customer dials a company to complain about a problem he is facing in one of its products. The support executive tries to resolve the problem with all his expertise. Despite all the best efforts, the customer feels a little uncomfortable in getting through the entire process. He is satisfied with the resolution but not very delighted with his experience. Why? The answer doesn’t lie in management theory. It is the new paradigm of 21st century which requires the company to move towards the goal of ‘Customer Oneness’.

The business organisation of the 21st century first has to become its own customer so that it has a clear understanding of a customer’s perspective. It has increasingly become important that customer these days needs empathy and not sympathy.

21st-century organisation – Facing the web of ambiguities and ever-changing marketplace?

In the present digital world of information overload, the customer finds himself amidst confusions and chaos. Decision-making has become all the more difficult for customers in an ever-changing marketplace. This poses a considerable challenge to organisations. To overcome this, they need continuous innovation, sustainability and clear communication with their customers. And, they need to be considered in an integrated approach. This is where the concept of ‘customer oneness’, mentioned at the beginning of this article, become all the more important.

In such a fast-changing world, if the organisation is able to identify with its customer as one. The clutter around the customer can easily be broken. And, a loyal customer can get the organisation more customers as word of mouth continues to remain the most credible marketing strategy even today.

21st-century organisation – What are the characteristics required?

Innovative ideas, business intelligence, automation, big data, and predictive analytics are the significant themes that the organisations today revolve around. Let’s understand this by one example. Do you remember how would people respond in the 1990s if you tell them that you are going to start a business? Where is the money? Now, if you tell them the same thing, they will ask, what is the idea, what is your revenue model? So, what does this suggest?

In today’s world, organisation needs a healthy, sustainable and innovative idea. And, once the idea is supported by business intelligence and predictive modeling, it becomes self-sustainable model. It is then the capital which helps in this model becoming a brand to reckon with. Does this story not sound familiar? Yes, it is. It is the story of many startups who went on to become fortune 500 companies in almost no time.

Importantly, apart from the operative part of the business, many of these organisations have reached out to people on social media providing them with free video, blogs, and reports about their products and services. It has not only helped them in connecting with the people and earning their trust but also quickly transiting them from the top of the marketing funnel to its bottom, achieving the sale.

21st-century organisation – Why purpose needs to be redefined?

Historically, organisations had focussed on product, pricing, promotion, place to run their businesses. With time, they had also started emphasizing upon customer-centricity. But, is this enough today? The answer will not certainly be affirmative. To become the best business ventures of 21st century, organisations need to come out of their traditional mindset and think ways in which they can contribute to society.

It is time that business organisations strive to adopt the values of democracy i.e. of the people, by the people and for the people. In the 21st century world, the bottom line for organisations should be aligning the end goals of the organisation to benefit the people at large.

Robert Kiyosaki, an American businessman, in his book THE BUSINESS OF THE 21ST CENTURY puts it, “-while personal success is fulfilling, it’s much more fulfilling when you can help many others create their own success as well.”
Certain things are beyond profit and loss statement, appropriations can be made to it. But, if the end goals are not aligned with new realities of the 21st century, even the amendments to organisation at a later stage will not help. Interestingly, serving people in true spirit while running a business helps to create a trustworthy brand.

21st-century organisation – What is expected of leadership?

The organisations take the path their leaders carve for them. So, whether it is the 20th century or 21st century, the business leaders continue to be the guiding lights for their organisations.

Tom Peters, a famous business author in an interview by McKinsey Quarterly, says, “21st-century-AD leadership is probably just about the same as 21st-century-BC leadership. And, fundamentally, it is about organising the affairs of our fellow human beings to provide some sort of service to other people.”

This suggests that leaders need to invest their time in creating human capital and imparting the organizational values to them. Some of the best organizations in the world, starting around the beginning of the 21st century, are known for healthy and fun-filled workplaces. This has remarkably contributed to their increased productivity.
Apart from the people and talent, leaders themselves need to embrace new technology and think creatively to better align their organization’s priorities with constantly changing requirements.

21st-century organisation – Why ethics are all the more important?

The commoditisation of almost everything today is breeding the culture of rampant sales irrespective of any ethics or care about the customer. The difference in the pitch of the sales department and servicing department leave the customer disappointed. It is also important to note that customer today is all the more aware of his rights. In fact, governments world over have empowered them through suitable legislation.

Thus, the business within the boundary of morality is the need of the hour. And, it should not be the fear of legislation which should drive push towards morality. Rather, it should be a voluntary act and organisations need to be honest and transparent towards their customer, eliminating the ‘trust issue’.

Further, Gandhian ethics also strengthen this notion as Mahatma Gandhi mentions business without morality as one of the seven sins.

Therefore, the success of organisations in the 21st century depends on many factors. They are already facing a very ambiguous customer in all the more complex marketplace. They need characteristics that can match the requirements of 21st century. The purpose should not only be profit-making but also contributing back to society. Leadership needs to nurture talent and develop a team of people whose increased productivity take the organisation to greater heights. Last but not the least, ethics of the organisations which play all the more important role in times when businesses are about relationships.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

An insight into my UPSC preparation

On 22 February 2017, Result of UPSC (mains) 2016 was declared and I was out of the race yet again. It was like a shocker and sent me into tizzy. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt zeroed. Everything was dark and I had no idea what was happening and How I am going to take it forward from here. It was a great conundrum which took me for a ride and shook me to the core. I have not imagined my life without it and I felt my dream getting snatched from me. I felt It was so near yet so far. But how I reached this point in my life, is something worth exploring. 

Back in 2011, I got into one of my dream projects of Google Trends. I was a digital marketer and an initiator in the field. 

To be continued.....will publish the complete account soon

Idea of India - Concepts of Nation state and Nationalism

Question as to what an Indian entity consists of, what it includes and what it excludes. Is the idea defined on the basis of Hindutva or pan hinduism south of Himalayas feasible. Or as the liberals would argue that Indian-ism can not be defined through such microscopic lenses. It is the idea that all people who migrated into this land with their identity intact in original form make up this land. No choices of Hinduism can be enforced on them. Furthermore, diversity is to be more emphasized over unity. This same debate has also crippled US intellectual circles in recent times especially after Trump took the charge. USA has been referred to as as melting pot of all cultures just like India as mosaic of different cultures. Conundrum is, what should be the premise on the basis of which a nation state is defined or idea of nationalism is construed.

Let us first explore the concepts of nation-state and nationalism, Nation state is a recent idea originated from Europe (European theater) when colonial powers like Britain, France, Prussia among others started dividing European territories geographically and forming political states. This was done mostly on the basis of some kind of homogeneity of languages, culture or ethnicity. People sharing similar ideas or beliefs came together to form a nation. Feelings of protecting the sovereignty of these nations so formed started brewing and came to be known as nationalism. Thus, Idea of nation state and nationalism became a political and mental construct respectively. Some kind of homogeneity became the essential perquisite of forming a nation. This homogeneity even in otherwise heterogeneous society was not an inhibition to formation of a diverse yet united flourishing nation. For an instance, USA welcomed people from all roots whether Arabic, Catholics, Protestants, Hindus or even Chinese. Yet, there is a common unique thread running across all of them. An element of Americanism makes the US society blend of both homogeneity and heterogeneity.

In case of India, This one common homogeneous value is way of life practiced by people south of Himalayas. Now, some may call it a hinduistic way of life and others Indian way of life. For an example, Muslims of Indian subcontinent are way too different from their counterparts in Arabic countries. They resemble their hindu brothers more closely than their religious brethren in Arabic world. This is also true in case of Christians, Paresis or Jews living in India. This happens as people in Indian subcontinent are used to a common way of life. Wedding Procession forms part of an important rituals across religions which otherwise is not seen world over. Muslims weddings in India is a point in case. Ayurvedic medicine or Yoga transcends the boundary of religions in India. This argument gets bolstered by the fact that a religion like Islam known for egalitarian system has also imbibed the caste system practiced by Hindus. Likewise, many events prove the point that there is a common thread running across all people across the country. Therefore, concept of Rasthra or Matrubhoomi are very ancient to India than recent westernized ideas of nation state or nationalism. People of diverse origin have been enjoying harmonious living together since time immemorial. 

Going back to the original question as to how one should define nation state or nationalism. These are modern concepts which may be applied to many nations on their face value as evolved by Europeans. But in case of India, these can be applied in a modified way. First and foremost, basis of Indian-ism or Indian nation is inextricably linked to a unique way of life practiced by oldest inhabitants which are Hindus. Geographically, India is what south of Himalayas from kirthar and suleman ranges to Poorvanchal ranges west of Irrawady. Nationalism or Rasthriyata is one's love or respect for this Indian-ism. Hindutva as also explained by Veer Savarkar highlights this point when he says India is Hindu Rasthra. He does not suggest that conversion of muslims or other religions as a condition to the formation of a Hindu Rasthra. But, All people while following their religions can still weave this beautifully diverse yet united nation into one Rasthra. One may call this a Hindu Rasthra or only India. It does not make an iota of difference. Indian nationalism is all about imbibing Indian values in one's life and an effort to save this rather than distort it. 

Some Liberals have gone wrong in understanding this concept of Hindutatva or probably have misquoted this idea. Its not about conversion of religion but accepting the fact that India stands intact due to Sanatan Philosophy making the foundation of building and its flexibility to assimilate other ideas or religious beliefs. Problems arises, when some people wants to change this fundamental characterestics. In simple words, Islamic or any other religious values can never replace Sanatan philosophy as foundation of this nation. This in no way suggests that religious values other than Hindus can not be weaved into Sanatan Philosphy. 

Therefore, Cultural Identity in case of india is same as politial identity. This is the major difference between Indian concept of nation state from that of other nations world over. Nationalism in India is not about imposition of choices but about voluntary acceptance of Indian Ideas. Therefore, India is rightly called as Mosaic of cultures. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

India needs its own Elon Musk.

Elon envisions building United states of America 2.0 where man drives electric car and fuels it anywhere at Tesla charging stations networked all over USA. He is facing Detroit honchos head on. Elon was in similar situation when he surprised the world by launching private company manufactured reusable space craft to International space station. SpaceX and for that matter Tesla are not just business institutions nurtured by Elon but hopes for humanities in times to come. He is one who dreams of something that his contemporary entrepreneur rarely dares. Human habitation on Mars is dream of my life, says Musk. Many believe that every minute of Elon' life is very precious to whole humanity. Elon is a technology absolutist and believes that man is fully capable of finding solution to every problem ranging from Global warming, Food Security to fast depleting oil resources. Musk writes that cranial capacity given to man is for building better future. In all, Elon leads his generation the very same way Ford or Rockefeller led theirs. Musk is the man who is known for constant disruption in silicon valley.

If likes of Elon rules the western hemisphere. Eastern looks to have their great expectation from Indian, Chinese and Japanese entrepreneurs and technocrats. For the purpose of this blog, Indian scenario will be dealt with.

Narendra Damodardas Modi is the name to reckon with. He is not a scientist nor a technocrat like Elon. But, He is also an institution builder and definitely a mass leader of global fame. His evolution from being an ordinary party cadre to the Mr. Prime minister of India with such great fan following speaks volume of his charisma and aura. Narendra Modi is leading innovation in his own ways. He is undoubtedly one of the few contemporary leaders who has disrupted the political arena of India and even the world by using digital technology in such an unprecedented way, 3D hologram, Social Media platform, Twitter Sewa or creating JAM trinity leveraging digital world are few examples to cite. Modi resembles Musk in the sense that He is not one of those stereotypical status-quoist politician who come to power just to enjoy it. He definitely has a vision like Elon to make not only India but whole world a better place to live in. His commitment at COP 21 is a testament to the fact. His interest in technology and visit to Tesla center in USA even before the meeting USA President Obama clarifies his priorities. 

Similarly, China got its man in Deng Xioping back in late 1970s who also envisioned making china a global superpower. He led the way and chinese supported him in this endeavor. Four decades later, china became a force to reckon with. China also established a flourishing ecosystem for science and technology which resulted in achieving many milestones. Own space station in near future, advancements in robotics, constant innovation in making of smartphones are few of those achievements. 

India and China may not have an exact counterpart of Elon Musk in their country in near future as space for disruptive technologies and out of the box innovation in these countries are not so well promoted by the system. Technologists here are busy in copying invention rather than doing one. This can be best summarized in a question that Prime minister of India asked his nation "Why do we not have one Google or Microsoft in our own country". It is this ecosystem visionary leaders are supposed to encourage. In current times, India has an edge over most of its rival countries in creating such system in very short time period. Demographic dividend, English speaking population, creative Indian minds, gigantic software industry and such other advantages of India fit the bill for it to be the most innovative in the world. Modi needs to provide leadership just like Elon. India now has its own Elon Musk, though not a technologist but definitely a visionary who can do miracles if he can channelise the energy of 1.3 billion people of the India in right direction. This development of India will result into trickle down effect and development of humanity.

To be continued............